New Claims on Muslim Women’s Wearing and the Critical based on Quran Verses
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakMasoumeh Imeni 1 , Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setayesh 2
1 - PhD Candidate, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Politics and Divine Laws, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Politics and Divine Laws, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch
Keywords: Scale, زینت, adornment, جیب, خمار, معاری, Pocket, hangover,
Abstract :
the issue of wearing and its limits is one of the most important social legal issues that has faced serious challenges for jurists at the present time. Accepting the necessity of wearing raises the question itself, what is the minimum level that a Muslim woman is obliged to observe? This question needs a new answer, especially considering the variety of clothing that is common in Islamic societies today. Based on some new interpretations of the words used in verses and hadiths, an attempt has been made to offer an opinion contrary to the well-known opinion of the jurists in order to legitimize some of the types of wearing observed in the current society. Based on the findings of this study, which has been used to explain and critique the arguments of the proponents and opponents in a descriptive-analytical method, it is not possible to make a general conclusion in this case just by resorting to the meaning of a word.
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