Suspicion in Qur'an and Islamic Traditions and its Study in Qur'anic Sermons Relating Beginning of Islam Events
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakAhmad Mirzaee 1 , Fatemeh Riyahi 2
1 - Instructor, Tehran Islamic Seminaries, MA, Quran & Hadith University
2 - Graduated, 2nd Level, Islamic Seminaries of Ladies, Quran & Hadith University
Keywords: Trust, اثم, Weakness, suspicion, ظن, بدگمانی, حُسن ظن, ضعف نفس, distrust,
Abstract :
In this research, what is the suspicion, harms and threats of bad suspicion against the individual and society and ways to get out of its dangers, and in contrast to the opportunities that good suspicion creates and its individual and social, worldly and otherworldly fruits. In addition, we have determined its limits in the holy Shari'a and tradition, and especially by examining it in the words of Imam Ali Descriptive research method was used to investigate the above cases and by referring to written and unwritten sources and the site, the necessary materials have been collected. What can be named as the result of this research is that: thought, like other blessings of God Almighty, if it moves in its divine path and proceeds under divine management and under the commands of Sharia, is a very important internal factor for human progress and moving towards God Almighty. But if it is managed by the devil and is ruled by the human soul, it becomes a deadly poison for the human soul and the Islamic society.
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