The appearance of the semantic art of Jareh letters in the second and third parts of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakMohammad Reza Shali 1 , Majid Mohammadi 2
1 - Master of Holy Quran Interpretation, University of Holy Quran Sciences and Education
2 - Assistant Professor, Razi University of Kermanshah, Department of Arabic Language and Literature
Keywords: قرآن کریم, Holy Quran, حروف جر, جزء سوم و چهارم, سیمای هنر معنایی, third and fourth parts, semantic art image, Jar letters,
Abstract :
The unique Moshef of the Qur'an has a special semantic divan which is shown in the meaningful diven of Arabic literature and the grammar of this word is the alphabet of this expression, and the syntax of the word includes the solidarity and coherent communication of the Qur'an, which is even a rhetorical meaning that guides the fulfillment of the correct meaning. According to the lack of semantic independence, but the deep centrality in this semantic dependence with its own art, Jareh letters play an important role in establishing the correct meaning. Jareh letters can convey the communication bridge of meaning transfer to the addressee according to their identity card. Now, this dependence of meaning plays role on the domination of belonging and its relation with the Jar letters, especially in the third and fourth parts of the Holy Quran, and its main and virtual meaning, which is in the caravan of rhetoric, that accompanied to the Jar letter. This rhetorical event creates a semantic art image between the belonging and the Jareh letters.
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