The semantics of abrogation in Salafi thought emphasizing on the views of Ibn Taymiyyah
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Isfahan
Keywords: قرآن, نسخ, Quran, abrogation, سلفیان, ابن تیمیه, Salafi, Taymiyyah,
Abstract :
The issue of abrogation is one of the most important issues in the Quranic sciences that there are many differences between experts in its definition and examples. The Holy Qur'an itself has specified the occurrence of abrogation in the Qur'an in a few verses (Baqarah / 106; Nahl / 101; Ra'd / 39). The type of confrontation with the issue of abrogation can lead to the acceptance or denial of the apparent authority of many verses of the Qur'an. The Salafi-Takfiri party of Sunni with a special tendency and approach in interpretation and Quranic sciences has a different interpretation of other Islamic parties on the subject of abrogation. It seems that this difference is one of the causes of sedition, bloodshed and killing of Muslims in the present era. This article studies and analyzes the abrogation in their view with descriptive-analytical method and documentary approach as well as the knowledge of the necessity of recognizing the intellectual principles of the Salafi-Takfiri movement and apply abrogation to include assignment, restriction, absolute, exception, and so on. Failure to pay attention to this point can lead to errors in our judgments.
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