The Quran, Appearance and Growth of the Rhetoric science
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Zahra Soleymani
mahdi momtahen
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Keywords: the Holy Quran, قرآن کریم, اعجاز, سخن, علوم بلاغی, miracle, speech, rhetoric,
Abstract :
A reflection on Arabic prose and poetical literary works, reflects sometimes their creators in the role of sorcerers that were masterly charming the hearts, sealing the lips, astonishing the wisdom, and changing the state of the pioneers of the word and literature; but this full patterned arena has lost its patience by the appearance of the Quran, and has borne a new experience of charm and aesthetics thanks to word of God and maybe the sealed secret of the kind prophet’s emphasis upon the focus on the word as the ideology of his miracle can be followed in this same subject. As in many cases, he –peace be upon him and his family- boasted about the miracle of the word of revelation under dissenters’ eyes, and intended to challenge them in Arab people’s tongue in the shelter of God’s eloquent words, and to crush their throne of arrogance by the stone of verbal miracle of the Quran. And the result of this confrontation and invitation to challenge was the emersion of the admirable corollary that is mentioned now as “rhetoric”.
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