The approach of Holy Quran to Issue of Domination and Submission
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Yousef Moqaddasi
Jamal Talebi Ghareqeshlaqi
Asgar Babazadeh Aqdam
1 - Assistant Professor, Farhangiyan University, Tehran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Farhangiyan University, Tehran
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science & Education of Holy quran, Farhangiyan University, Tehran
Keywords: قرآن, Quran, Weakness, سلطهگر, سلطه پذیر, استضعاف, dominant, submissive,
Abstract :
Throughout human life on earth, man has hated the word oppression and exploitation and has considered it as an intellectual and religious ugliness. The pure nature of God as a very moving tool has prevented his domination, but any society that has a cultural background of domination and oppression has helped the arrogant and colonialist in his "superior self-vision". The reference to the noble verses of the Qur'an in "Wrong not, and ye shall not be wronged." indicates such a meaning. The purpose of this article is to show the face of arrogance in today's human society. The quality of anti-arrogance from the perspective of the Qur'an and the explanation of the methods of fighting arrogance by presenting noble verses are reassuring; And it will be peace and self-esteem. This study is descriptive and philosophical and analytical and library studies.
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