Praised Grief from the Perspective of Islam in Verses and Hadiths
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - Master of History and Philosophy of Education, Tendency of Islamic Education
Keywords: حزن پسندیده, حزن سنخیتی, حزن آخرت, رضایت الهی, Pleasant grief, Compatible grief, Hereafter grief, Divine satisfaction,
Abstract :
Accurate explanation of the limits of grief is one of the necessities of Islamic society that has an important role in the health of soul and inner of human being, and this fact makes the research necessary for it. The main issue of the research is the study of praised grief from the perspective of Islam according to verses and hadiths. In the Holy Quran, grief and its derivatives are used 42 times. This research has been conducted in a descriptive-analytical method and in the use of research tool in a library research method and it intends to express the types of grief in different areas in terms of verses and hadiths while studying the issue of recognizing grief. In the Quran and narrations, grief is recommended regarding spiritual matters, especially prayer and litany and weeping for the calamity of the Ahl al-Bayt, infallibility and purity (PBUH), and the remembrance of the Hereafter and it is considered as the purity of heart and it creates a state in man together with grief from which we interpret it as refreshing.
قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه.
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ابن بابویه، محمد بن علی. ۱۳۹۵ش، الخصال، ترجمه محمدعلی کوشا، قم: مؤسسه علمی فرهنگی دار الحدیث، سازمان چاپ و نشر.
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کاشی، عبدالرزاق. ۱۳۷۹ش، لطائف الاعلام فی اشارات اهل الالهام، ج۱، مجید هادیزاده، تهران: بی نا.
کلینی، محمد بن یعقوب. ۱۳۹۰ش، اصول الکافی، ترجمه عباس حاجیانی دشتی، قم: موعود اسلام.
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مقریزی، احمد بن علی. ۱۳۷۸ش، إمتاع الأسماع بما للنبی صلیالله علیه و سلم من الأحوال والأموال، بیروت: دار الکتب.
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