Critique of the Translation of Al-Waqi'ah Surah (Case study: translation of Abolfazl Bahrampour)
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Zahra Samadi
Masoud Bavanpouri
1 - Post Graduate, Arabic Language, Arak University
2 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Shahid Madani University, Azerbaijan
Keywords: قرآن کریم, Holy Quran, Abolfazl Bahrampour, ابوالفضل بهرامپور, سوره واقعه, اغراض بلاغی, Al-Waqi'ah Surah, rhetorical purposes,
Abstract :
Holy Quran has been translated into various languages and the level of ability of its translators in understanding the Quran, precepting it in the target language or both, as well as familiarity with the knowledge of linguistics and translation has varied. Abolfazl Bahrampour is one of these translators who has had a great ability in understanding and translating the text of the Holy Quran in his translation. Of course, he also had weaknesses that the present article, after stating the general features of Al-Waqi'ah Surah, studies the translation of Abolfazl Bahrampour in various rhetorical purposes; First, he deals with the rhetorical features such as simile, metaphor, irony, emphasis, attention, etc. in the verses of Al-Waqi'ah Surah, and then he compares those rhetorical intentions with Bahrampour's translation. Some omissions of translations are due to the precise and complex structure of the Qur'anic language, which has made translators prefer one translation over another, but some slips are also due to weakness in the structure of the word or its morphological, syntactic and rhetorical style; Some (translators) also undertook interpretive translation and elaborated without separating the original word from the interpretive margins.
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