The Last Divine Words Addressed to the Last Prophet in the Mystical Texts(Verse281 from The Surat Al-Baqara)
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Mehdi Momtahen
Badiollah Sadri
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Literature, Jiroft Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Jiroft, Iran.
2 - Graduate theology student learning.
Keywords: تقوا, Death, مراقبه, Meditation, آخرین سخن خدا, یوم, موت, ظلم, محاسبه, The last divine words, Fear, day, Enquiry,
Abstract :
The Holy Quran is a book full of threatening and promising and secret truths and it contains various verses that embodies valuable mystical indications including the verse 2:281, which says"be afraid of the day you are returned to God and then everyone is given what s/he has acquired and nobody will be treated unjustly" that is said to be the last verse which is revealed to Muhammad(pbuh); So, I have tried to explain this verse on the basis of the mystical exegeses of the Holy Quran and made some attempts to come to some useful conclusions. Furthermore one of the axes in this verse refers to God and death, which is traditionally seen as an important aspect that we face. The main objective of this paper is to explain the dimensions and angles of the words in this verse commentaries on the sayings and mystical texts; and it is trying to achieve beneficial results in this field.