The effect of pure heart passive reactions on mental health from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakSeyedeh Razieh Pourmohammadi 1 , Mohammad Sobhani Yamchi 2
1 - Graduate student of Holy Quran Interpretation, Faculty of Quranic Sciences and Education, Qom
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty Member of the Faculty of Quranic Sciences, Maragheh
Keywords: تقوا, Stability, ایمان, Faith, تثبیت, Peace, piety, خشوع, Humility, آرامش,
Abstract :
The only dimension of human existence that has the effect of infinity and it can communicate with infinity is the "heart". The man's heart should be changed to change his states and to create this transformation, the characteristics and conditions of heart must be considered and its effective rules should be understood. Today, due to the lack of attention to the passive states of the heart, human mental health is always endangered and it threatens people's daily lives, so human beings need studies in this field to solve this problem. The Holy Quran which clearly states the truth for the guidance of human beings, in addition to verses, it has expressed the characteristics of a pure heart, and by contemplating the deep and profound meaning of this heavenly book, peace of mind can be achieved. The characteristics of pure heart include piety, calmness, stability, humility, enthusiasm and desire. Piety of the heart is also one of the authorities of faith that promotes the virtue of high human morality and it is in fact the same as achieving peace of mind and spiritual happiness.
قرآن کریم.
نهج البلاغه.
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