The Influence of Qira'at Science on Reading and Understanding Persian Texts
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
1 - PhD, Persian Language & Literature
Keywords: شعر, روایت, poetry, اختلاف قرائت, ادبیات فارسی, Persian literature, Narration, recitation difference,
Abstract :
The influence of the Qira'at (recitation) science on ancient texts is clear and one must have sufficient knowledge of Qur'an for exact understand Persian texts and poetries. Some scholars' unfamiliarity with the science of Qira'at has led them to believe that reading and narration that is common in our day has also been predominant in the ancient Islamic scientific and literary ages, and this is a factor that seriously undermines and damages the texts. Illiteracy of recitation science has led almost all critics and literary scholars to misunderstand the text of the Qur'an, which is somehow related to the meter of the poetry or to some sort of disagreement with the text, and completely or completely disregards the poet and author's opinion. They either fail to understand the main point of the poetry or attribute the meter of the poetry to the necessity and meter of necessity, while in many cases it is the poet's deviation from the purely narrative of Asim Kufi that has amazed the writers.
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