Reviewing and criticizing the exegetical approach of Sheikh Mohammad Karami in analyzing the components of social interpretation of the Qur'an (with an emphasis on the book of tafsir of Lektab Allah Al-Munir(
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
mina shamkhi
Ali Sharifi
SeiedYousef Mahfouzi Musavi
1 - Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz-iran
2 - Doctoral student of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz
3 - Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz iran
Keywords: Mohammad Karami", social interpretation", educational teachings", Rationalism, ",
Abstract :
Social commentary in the field of contemporary commentary is one of the most important achievements in this field. Holistic view, simplistic writing and emphasis on the guidance of the Quran, rationalism in interpretation and not following the interpretation method of the predecessor are the main indicators of this new interpretation approach.The book "Al-Tafseer Lektab Allah Al-Munir" by Ayatollah Mohammad Karami, one of the contemporary elders, is one of the contemporary social interpretations. He, who is one of the commentators of the Khuzestan region, has chosen the method of social interpretation according to the current conditions.Therefore, the main goals of this article, after referring to the indicators of social interpretation, is whether the mentioned commentator has observed the social indicators in his interpretation? Can the mentioned interpretation be called a social interpretation only? After examining his interpretation method, we come to the conclusion that he did not follow the method of social interpretation in some verses and did not compile his interpretation based on the indicators of social interpretation. They didn't enter and it just passed by.