Application of attention industry in Surah Anbiya
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Mehrdad Aghaei
fazil Abaszadah
1 - Assistant professor
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Pars Abad Moghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pars Abad Moghan, Iran.
Keywords: Surah Anbiya, Keywords: Holy Quran, Al-Tafat Industry, usage,
Abstract :
AbstractThe Holy Quran, as the King of the Book of Existence, despite its abandonment among human societies, especially among Muslims, contains many thematic themes and novelties that all rhetorical and syntactic books have made the most of this great book. . The attention industry is one of the most common literary industries used in Arabic and Persian, which has long been used by speakers and writers. The rhetoricians, syntacticians, critics, and commentators have each provided definitions of attention that have changed over time. Therefore, the attitude of the new rhetorician is different from the old rhetoric towards this literary industry. This research aims to examine the difference between the view of rhetoricians at different times in this literary array and also the difference in the amount of examples of this industry in Surah Anbiya in the seventeenth part of the Holy Quran. Pay.Keywords: Holy Quran, Surah Anbiya, Al-Tafat Industry, Usage.
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