Examining the expediency of prisoners in Quranic studies and law
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
rahman majazie
alireza rajab zadeh
alireza mazloom rahnie
1 - Doctoral student of Private Law Department, Qeshm Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qeshm, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Raja University, Qazvin, Iran (corresponding author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Private Law, Quds City Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: prisoners, Quranic studies, expediency, Law,
Abstract :
AbstractAs a necessity in any society, the pecuniary interest is certain and inviolable. In addition to the emphasis of the Holy Law on supporting disabled and disabled people who do not have the ability to protect their property and know the interests of their affairs; Intellectuals, social reformers and legal scholars are also aware of the importance of the issue in every society and pay special attention to the proper implementation of protection for the imprisoned. Due to the fact that the management of the property and interests of minors, madmen, non-reshid persons, etc. has different aspects and includes many examples. Sometimes it happens, however, guardians, legal guardians, judicial authorities involved in financial affairs, etc., in financial and non-financial affairs, come across cases where two interests are placed against each other, to determine which of the conflicting matters From the Shari'a, moral and legal point of view, it is against financial gain; There is no specific rule. In this regard, there are shortcomings and abridgements of the laws, and the decisions of guardians, guardians or legal guardians may be contradictory in different cases, which is not compatible with justice. In this research, we will analyze the issue by examining the "expediency of prisoners in Quranic studies and law".Key words: expediency of prisoners, Quranic studies, law.
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