Interpretive principles of commentators of Isfahan Interpretive School
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadakehteramsadat mosavizadeh 1 * , Mohsen khosfar 2 , Ali reza Zakizadeh 3
1 - Student level 4-Comparative interpreter series Advanced Education Fatemah Al-Zahra Isfahan
2 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Hadith Sciences
3 - Assistant Professor of Majlesi University
Keywords: Interpretation of the Holy Quran, interpretive principles, Isfahan, interpretive school, Commentators,
Abstract :
انواع ترجمهترجمه نوشتارنوشتار مبدأ۷۶۷ / ۵٬۰۰۰نتایج ترجمهIsfahan has long been the cradle of many scholars, narrators and commentators. The efforts and thinking of these thinkers have made Isfahan a school and an influential school in Islamic sciences over other schools. Among these, the interpretive school of Isfahan and the commentators named after it are worthy of analysis and study. Isfahani leading commentators are divided into three periods: early, Safavid and contemporary, and are divided into two types: rationalists and Akhbaris. This research has refined and analyzed the basics in a library method, matching them with each other and clarifying its hidden angles. In expressing the principles of Isfahan Interpretive School; Quranic, narrative, literary, principled, theological, philosophical, intellectual and moral, mystical, individual and group principles were stated. The Qur'anic principles of Isfahani commentators are common and in the principles of narration, some have been highly positivist and the intensity and weakness of the use of narrations in their interpretations has caused differences in their narrative principles.Some rationalist and news commentators have an intuitive nature and have interpreted the verses based on esoteric intuition and mystical view, and on the contrary, some have not had a mystical view and reject these principles.
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