Intertextuality of the fiftieth prayer of Sahifa Sajjadieh and Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Keyvan Ehsani
Naval Hazbavi
1 - Assistant Professor of Arak University
2 - PhD student of Arak University
Keywords: ", Quran", Fiftieth Prayer", Imam Sajjad (AS)", Intertextuality", Sahifa Sajjadieh",
Abstract :
Intertextuality is one of the approaches considered in recent decades in the field of literature. Intertextuality is a theory that examines the relationship between two texts. The Holy Quran, which is at the top of the religious heritage, has always been the source of many literary and religious texts, and the Sajjadiyya Sahifa, which is interpreted as "Akht al-Quran", has many Qur'anic meanings and interpretations. The present study investigates the intertextual relationship between the Qur'an and the phrases of the fiftieth prayer of Sahifa Sajjadieh and with the descriptive-analytical method has reached the conclusion that there is a two-way link between the verses of the Qur'an and the words of Imam Sajjad (AS).Imam (AS) during this prayer, have used a variety of structural, thematic and lexical intertextuality as the Qur'an is manifested in their requests and the structure of his words in this prayer, more than the type of thematic intertextuality and the type of relationship It is of the parallel negation type.
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