Comparison of the views of Sheikh Sadough and Fakhr Razi on the concept of reason from the perspective of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
farkhondeh nasiri
Abbas ahmadi saadi
1 - PhD student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Fasa Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University, Fasa Branch
Keywords: practical intellect. &emsp, Quranic concepts, logic, completeness of intellect, theoretical intellect,
Abstract :
From the point of view of Fakhr Razi, the source of knowledge is the speaking soul of a human being, which is interpreted as intellect or intellectual faculty, which itself is divided into two practical and theoretical faculties. According to him, theoretical wisdom is superior to practical wisdom, and practical wisdom never reaches the feet of theoretical wisdom. Sheikh Sadouq is both a rationalist and a textualist, although the examination of his works indicates that he does not directly refer to the principles of practical reason and considers it forbidden to enter some topics and areas for reason. And he has taken care of the inherent and intellectual ugliness in the preliminaries of the discussion. According to him, the Qur'an considers human perfection to be unique in theory and practice. This research aims to show Fakhr Razi and Sheikh Sadouq's use of reason in understanding and interpreting religious teachings. Sheikh Sadouq values intellect less than Fakhr Razi in knowing God and His attributes. Sheikh Sadouq considers reason to be an excellent source of knowledge and an important and effective tool for understanding religious issues and defending rational matters.
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