Components of Qur'anic stories and Comparing to Israʼiliyyat
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakAli Asghar Asghari Valojaei 1 , Hamid Mohammad Ghasemi 2 * , Seyyede Hossein Hosseini Karnami 3
1 - PhD Candidte, Faculty of Quran & Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Quran & Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Sari Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quran & Hadith, University of Medical Sciences, Sari
Keywords: stories, prophets, fable, Israʼiliyyat, Quran,
Abstract :
Holy Quran is a book that contains one of the most fascinating and authoritative religious stories. Stories have a long history in the field of culture and transmission of human concepts and are the most compatible verbal form with the human mind; as a result, the audience is wider and are more influent. Holy Quran has used unique styles in designing stories, especially the stories of the Prophets. These spiritual stories were processed in a way that were completely contrary to the style and purpose of the stories of HolyQur'an when have been found by mythologists and Israʼiliyyat. The present article seeks to provide a brief overview of the five characteristics of Qur'anic stories, including "truthfulness, disregard for useless details, the fight against distortion, the introduction of Prophets as moral role models, and considering moral principles" with the five characteristics of Israʼiliyyat that are in very contrast to the characteristics of stories; that is, "myths and superstitions, paying attention to useless details and particulars, the differences and distortions of the Israʼiliyyat narrations, and the distortion of the glorious reputation of the prophets in order to clarify the profound difference between the two methods."
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