Corruption on Earth from a Criminal Aspect to an Independent Crime based on Quranic Doctrines
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Mohammad Ebrahim Mojahed
Ahmad Abedini Najaf Abadi
Javad Panjeh Pour
1 - PhD Candidate, Jurisprudence and Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
2 - Faculty Member, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Jurisprudence and Islamic Law, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch
Keywords: corruption on earth, independency, jurisprudential documents, legal proofs,
Abstract :
One of the most important crimes in terms of dimensions and security is corruption on earth. Looking at the jurisprudential texts and the history of legislation, we conclude that despite the documentation and strength of jurisprudential principles, due to the inclusion of many concepts and examples, the legislator has so far avoided entering into an independent criminal case for corruption on earth. Objections such as the inclusion of a concept on one hand and the principles governing criminal policy such as the principle of shortage interpretation on the other hand prevented its independent criminalization. Also, the dispute over the unity or duality of the two titles Moharebeh (enmity) and Corruption on Earth, which we have dealt with to some extent in this study, was more than what we said was an obstacle to the independence of the crime of corruption. Of course, it will be stated that Verse 33 of Ma'idah Surah has a single meaning and the dignity of issuing the holy verse is focused on the subject of enmity and not corruption on earth, considering the opinion of the commentators and the famous saying of the jurists. In fact, "corruption" is an explanatory clause for moharebeh (enmity) and refers to the explanation of the four punishments.
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