Study and Analysis of the Elegance Aspects in Mystical Interpretations
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Mokarram Mohamma Nia Kalimani
Hossein Moradi Zanjani
Mohammad Hossein Saeni
Farhad Edrisi
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Touyserkan Branch
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion & Myth, Islamic Azad University, Touyserkan Branch
4 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence, Islamic Azad University, Touyserkan Branch
Keywords: interpretation, elegance, justice, kindness, Myth,
Abstract :
Elegance is a religious – Quranic term and also one of the attributes of God. Many commentators and narrators have pointed to the various dimensions of this concept and based on the verses of Holy Quran, have enumerated the quality and manner of applying it. Since, mystical interpreters who have seen the manifestation of Divine elegance in line with their Sufi profession have raised several arguments based on the Book of God. In this research, considering the descriptive – analytical method, the application of elegance in mystical interpretations and the opinions of commentators has been investigated. The results of the research show that the most important aspects of Divine elegance in these works are: 1. Superiority, which includes subsections such as the superiority of human over other beings; The superiority of prophets over other beings; The superiority of the Jewish people over other nations and the superiority of the Mujahideen over the abandoners of jihad 2. (daily) portion 3. Divine blessings 4. Divine rewards, the most important of which is Divine Paradise and 5. Repentance. Divine elegance takes precedence over Divine justice from interpreters’ viewpoint, which indicates that the compassion of the Almighty surpasses His power.
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