Pathology of Rational – Social Principles of Enjoining the Good and Prevention of Vice by emphasizing Holy Quran and hadith
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakRoghiyeh Mirzakhani 1 , Ali Hossein Ehteshami 2 *
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Islamic Azad University, Touyserkan Branch
Keywords: Islamic society, Quran, Nahj al-Balaghah, good and vice,
Abstract :
the present research explains and analyzes the causes and motives of people refusing to implement the enjoining the good and prevention of vice from the perspective of Holy Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah, the pathology of practical methods and the effect of these methods on the correct implementation of the the enjoining the good and prevention of vice, and factors of failure in performing the mentioned duty and analyzing their rational-social foundations. The aims of the research are to study the meaning and concept of the enjoining the good and prevention of vice and to study the factors of people's refusal to the enjoining the good and prevention of vice from the perspective of Holy Quran and Nahj al-Balaghah. The research hypotheses have been: welfare, fear of financial and human losses, greed and delegating responsibility to others are the reasons for people refusing to the enjoining the good and prevention of vice in Islamic society. The method of the research is documentary analysis and has been analyzed qualitatively.
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