The Critique and Evaluation of the Narrations Governing Violence in the Establishment of Mahdavi Administration based on Quranic verses
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakSeyyed Ali Taheri 1 , Mehdi Mehrizi 2 *
1 - Tehran Sciences and Research Branch,, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Tehran Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Infallibility and Authenticity, Quran, Narration,
Abstract :
Finding the way of administration of Imam of Time (Leader of the Time) (A.S.) is only feasible by the reference to the narrations of the infallibles (A.S.). So doing, it can be found that some of the narrations made evidence for the use of violence in the establishment of Mahdavi Administration. The method of this research is library study. First, the related narrations were collected and the ambiguities out of them were mentioned then. After that, considering the narrators, the narrations were interpreted and the ambiguities were discussed. The findings of the study show that most of the narrations were poor as far as evidence is concerned, invalid in regard to evidential validity, and just valid in regard to narrating. The result is that the Hazrat`s method is cultural meaning that first of all, he invites all the people worldwide to Islam, if threatened to death, the war is also used.
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