Components of Crime Response in Islamic Law Based on Quranic Teachings
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran FadakMohammad Salari 1 , Mahmoud Rouholamini 2 * , Bagher Shamloo 3 , Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi Mousavi 4
1 - Phd Student in Department of law, Islamic Azad University Rafsanjan Branch, Rafsanjan.Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Law, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of Law, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor of Law, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan Branch, Rafsanjan, Iran ..
Keywords: Quranic teachings, Component of Punishment, Correction and Treatment, Component of Rehabilitation,
Abstract :
Islamic law has moved towards combating the phenomenon of crime and preventing the occurrence of crime by using the two components of punishment and correction, treatment and rehabilitation and combining these two components with each other. In Islamic law, inspired by the Qur'anic teachings and based on the inspiring teachings of this holy book, it seems that the component of correction, treatment and rehabilitation is preferred to the component of punishment, and Islamic law, as the creator of many new criminal and criminological policies, The title of the last way to fight crime (if the offender is not corrected) has been used and it can be said that Islamic teachings are in accordance with scientific standards due to their firmness on pure human nature. In addition, Islamic law based on Quranic teachings is the first law that pays attention to the personality of the accused and in fact the creator of Islamic law and the founder of criminology, ie the science of attention to the personality of the convict and long before the emergence of the school of research. Therefore, the first sparks of attention to the personality of the accused can be seen in Islamic law. For this reason, Islamic law is the creator of the school of criminology.
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