A Study of the Argumentative Approaches of Allameh Tabatabai and Mostafa Muslem in Finding the Content of Yasin Surah
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
Ali Hassan Nia
Mohsen Khatami
Somayyeh Sheikhi
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Quran Science & Hadith, Shahed University
2 - MA, Holy Quran Sciences & Hadith, Tehran
3 - Post Graduate, Holy Quran Sciences & Hadith, Shahed University
Keywords: Allameh Tabatabai, Yasin Surah, Verses proportion, Al Mizan, Subjective Interpretation for the Verses of Holy Quran,
Abstract :
One of the topics considered by contemporary Quranic scholars is the theory of "thematic unity of suras" in order to systematically and coherently show Quranic suras in terms of concept and purpose and introduce them as a purposeful independent personality with special intentions by a wise theologian. Tafsir "Al-Mizan" and "Al-Tafsir Al-Mawzu'i Le Sovar Al-Quran Al-Karim" (Subjective Interpretation for the Verses of Holy Quran) have adopted this method and have registered their name among the believers in this theory. Belief in the theory of "thematic unity of suras", the difference in the intellectual origin and the contemporaneity of both interpreters, are among the cases that reveal the need for a comparative study between these two interpretations; The aim of the present article is to examine his reasoning approaches in highlighting this theory in Yasin Surah and to analyze the similarities, strengths, degree of adaptation and success of interpretations in applying the theory. The results show their focus on paying attention to thematic units in the path of purposefulness. The analysis of the content and general themes of Yasin Surah also draws the thematic basis of the "Three Principles of Belief", which shows the superiority of Allameh Tabatabai's performance in finding the purpose and paying attention to Yasin Surah.
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