Approaches to investigate the semantic network of submission in the Holy Qur'an
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadakzahra mola 1 , bi bi sadat razi bahabadi 2 * , aala toran 3
1 - Alzahra university
2 - Quran and hadith science,faculty of Theology and Islamic science
3 - عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه الزهرا
Keywords: Obedience, submission, Salem, the Holy Qur'an,
Abstract :
Surrendering or Submission to God with faith is a necessary duty for everyone. The Holy Qur'an has emphasized the submission of believers until death, and the best ritual, in the Holy Qur'an, is submission combined with meritorious deeds, so it is necessary to examine the verses of this area. On the one hand, the themes of the verses talk about the foundations and contexts that will cause a person to surrender and go through its stages, which are: belief in monotheism, faith, piety, attention to divine blessings, referring matters to God Almighty, and attention to knowledge. And God's wisdom, on the other hand, he lists man's stubbornness and Satan's deception as obstacles to surrender, which can be counted in two types of internal and external factors. The Holy Qur'an has mentioned good consequences for a person after she submits, which are: peace, trust, benefit from guidance, mercy and good news
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