Presenting a hierarchical model of improving the productivity of remote work organizations in electronic government with the approach of reducing social loafing
Subject Areas :
Karamollah Daneshfard
Reza Najaf Bagy
Mohsen Ghadirinejadian
1 - Esho of the faculty of Tehran University of Research Sciences
2 - Public Management Department, Faculty of Management & Economic, University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD student in public administration, majoring in organizational behavior, Research Sciences Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Productivity, social loafing, remote work, electronic government,
Abstract :
Social loafing loafing and improving productivity during the last decade is one of the main and important issues and problems at the level of organizations and even governments. In this regard, this research was conducted with the aim of presenting a hierarchical model of improving the productivity of remote work organizations in electronic government with the approach of reducing social unemployment in Central Bank of J.A. This research was carried out using a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative), which extracted 11 indicators of the desired model in the qualitative part by using content analysis and interviews with 20 academic and organizational experts in the field of productivity and social unemployment. Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) was used to obtain the model in the quantitative part. The statistical population in the quantitative section included 16 research experts. Data analysis to achieve an eight-level model where the most effective indicators of this model at the eighth level are efficient organizational culture and communication and transformational leadership of challenging groups and teams and the index of improving organizational responsiveness are the most effective variables of this model.
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