The Study of Dominant Organizational Culture of libraries of Universities of Tabriz City based on Quinn and Cameron’s Model
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiesmaryam Mehdizadeh 1 * , mohamad Hasanzadeh 2
1 - M.A of library an Information Science, Islamic Azad University of Hamadan
2 - Professor of Library an Information Science of Tarbiyat Modares University
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Tabriz, library, Quinn and Cameron Model,
Abstract :
Objective:The purpose of this research is the study of organizational culture of libraries of Universities of Tabriz City based on Quinn and Cameron’s Model. Methodology: This study is a descriptive survey and applied research. The statistical population is 92 librarians of the Universities of Tabriz city. The sample determined 72 librarians according to the Cochran formula. Data collected by using a standard questionnaire of Cameron and Quinn. Descriptive and analytical statistic and SPSS software were used in data analysis. Findings: The results show dominant type of organizational culture in libraries of universities of Tabriz city is tribal culture (m= 9/03). Afterward there are the market culture (m= 8/31), and hierarchical culture (m= 7/32) and at the last rank democracy culture (m= 6/56). As well as results show that the organizational culture of Tabriz University Librarians, there are no significant difference based on gender, type of employment, education and work experience. Conclusion: The results show that the dominant organizational culture among libraries of universities in Tabriz city is a tribal culture. This means that from seven libraries of universities in the Tabriz city, six of them have tribal culture, only in Library of Sahand University there is market culture. In the tribal culture flexibility, collaboration, cooperation, integrity, personal satisfaction and a friendly environment are worthwhile, and organization is regarded as a family.
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