The effect of parents' education level and in improving information literacy of pre-university students in public and private high schools
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studieshasan kiani 1 , mansor tajdaran 2 , katrin poya 3 *
1 - Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Azzahra University.
2 - Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Azzahra University.
3 - Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Azzahra University
Keywords: Parents, information literacy, Pre-university students, Ministry of Education, Tehran City,
Abstract :
Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the impact of the parents’ education on the improvement of information literacy among the pre-university students (their children) of private and public high schools located in district 2 of Tehran. Methodology: The methodology of the research was based on library study in the literature review and theoretical literature, and survey method (descriptive and analytical) in data analysis. The data were gathered through a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 31 closed questions and one open question. The sample size was 689 students whom were selected randomly in each cluster from 6777. 688 (99.9%) questionnaires were. In order to analyze the data, descriptive and statistical methods were used. Findings: The correlation coefficient between parents' level of education and information literacy level of students was 0.266 for fathers and 0.254 for mothers. There is a positive correlation between education level of parents, and directing students to information literacy. Conclusion: Those parents who have higher level of education and information literacy are expected to have children with higher level of information literacy.
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