Citation analysis of resources used in the master dissertations of Chemistry at Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University and Shiraz University during 2002 to 2009
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesAbdolhossein Farajpahlou 1 , maryam zamani 2 *
1 - Ph.D. in Library & Information Science, Shahid Chamran University
2 - Master of Library and Information Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and search Branch of Khuzestan
Keywords: Citation Analysis, Chemistry, Bradford's law, Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University, Shiraz University, M.Sc dissertations,
Abstract :
Purpose: The present research mainly aims to survey M.Sc dissertations relevant to chemistry field in Ahvaz Shahid Chamran and Shiraz Universities during the years 2002 to 2009 in order to determine the most used scientific and information resources in surveyed dissertations of these universities. Methodology: This research surveys 20320 bibliography resources which allocate to 244 M.Sc dissertations in chemistry (144 dissertations in Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University and 100 dissertations in Shiraz University) through citation analysis method. Analyzing the data, we used the descriptive statistics including frequency tables, average, percentage and etc. Then we inserted tables and diagrams via Excel 2003 software and SPSS 11. Findings: Among 100 surveyed dissertations in Ahvaz Shahid Chamran University, it was extracted 6400 bibliographic resources (1/4 percent) belonging to Persian resources and (98/6 percent) to the foreign ones. The investigation on the type of bibliographic resources in studied dissertations relevant to Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz showed that totally the most bibliographic resources (84/7 percent) allocate to the journals with (84/7 percent). In surveyed dissertations of Shiraz University there are totally journals with (88/5 percent) in the first rate and the books with (8/7 percent). Conclusion: According to the research findings, the most bibliographic resources allocate to the journals. So, the core journals are identified on the basis of Bradford’s law. Averagely, each dissertation of Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz includes 64 citations and each dissertation in Shiraz University includes 96/6 bibliographic resources.
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