A study of rate of citations to articles presented in scientific conferences by articles published in Librarianship journals during years 1996-2006
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studieszahra Rezazadeh 1 * , Nahid bani eghbal 2
1 - Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - Department of Library and Information Science, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: Citation, Library and Information science, Persian articles, Periodicals, Conferences,
Abstract :
This survey has been done to show the citations of articles published in Persian librarianship periodicals and also to analyze citations used by Persian articles presented in scientific librarianship meetings and conferences from 1996 to 2006. The research population includes all citations (6288 citations) of articles published in six journals of library and information science during this period. The results show that the citations of articles presented in meetings is 293 which is %4/66 of total number of articles citations. The comparative analysis of the 6 library journals indicates that "Faslname-ye Ketab" has the maximum rate which is 168 case, or (%57/32) citations were cited articles that are presented in domestic conferences and 125 (%42,66) citations were cited articles that have been presented in international conferences. These scales prove the research hypotheses namely "Faslname-ye Etlaresani" has maximum average of citation per published papers from domestic conferences (0/268); "Faslname-ye Etlashenasi "has minimum average (0/05); "Faslname-ye Ketab "has maximum average (0/186) of international conferences, and "Faselname-ye Etlashenasi" has minimum average (0/04). Regarding half-life of citation in journals, it is concluded that "Faslname-ye Ketbdari - va - Etlaresani "with 4 years and 8 months keeps the high record in half-life of citation of articles presented in domestic conferences and "Faslname-ye Payame Ketabkhaneh with 5 years and six month has the high record of international conferences.