Adaptation of descriptors and keywords of medical thesis of Tehran University of Medical Science to Persian Medical Thesaurus and Medical Subject Headings
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesLeila Bahadori 1 * , Nahid Banieghbal 2
1 - Master degree of the LIS of Islamic Azad University, North Tehran branch. Librarian of central library in Iran Medical University
2 - Associate Professor, LIS department, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: Keywords, Indexing, Standards, Descriptors, Persian Medical Thesaurus, Medical Subject Headings, medical thesis, Tehran University of Medical Science,
Abstract :
Objective: This study aims to access adaption of the Persian and English descriptors and Persian and English keywords used in thesis of Tehran university of medical science with the Persian medical thesaurus and medical subject heading (MESH). Methodology: this research is a comparative bibliometric survey research .Research community includes of 3433 descriptors used for 302 thesis of Tehran university of medical science from 1385 until 1389. Data is collected by control list and analyzed by SPSS software with chi-square test and p values with significant more than 0.05. Findings: The findings show that adaption in Persian descriptors: 50.1% full match ,4.3% partial match ,32.7% bad match,12.9% not exist in thesaurus. In English descriptors: 99.7% full match, .07% partial match, 0.07% bad match,0 .14% not exist in thesaurus. In Persian keywords: 18.0% full match ,1.9% partial match ,35.7% bad match,44.4% not exist in thesaurus. In English 26.8% full match ,15.4% partial match ,28.8% bad match,29.1% not exist in thesaurus. Conclusion: Adaption in English descriptors is rather than of Persian descriptors but adaption in English and Persian keywords is in low level.
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