Citation analysis of articles published in the Research in Science and Petroleum Engineering Quarterly during 2001- 2007
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiesneshaneh Pakdaman 1 , fahimeh alavi 2 *
1 - Assistant professor, Department of librarianship and Information Science, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
2 - Student in master of library and information science, Azad University, North Tehran Branch
Keywords: Citation Analysis, Research in Science and Petroleum Engineering Quarterly, Articles,
Abstract :
Purpose: This research aims to analyze citations of articles published in the Research in Science and Petroleum Engineering Quarterly during 2001- 2007. Methodology: In this research we generally analyzed 115 articles published in 17 volumes. Findings: The research shows that the most number of citations is related to journals. They form 491 cases which is equal to 42.5% of the whole citations. 95.9% of these citations are concerned to Latin journals and 4.1% of them are related to Persian ones. Books with 453 cases and 37.5% of the whole citations are categorized at second rank. From the whole numbers of the citations to the books, 91.7% is allotted to Latin books and 8.3% is allocated to the Persian ones. Citation to reports, standards, patents and conferences with 14.7% is at third rank; in addition, citation to dissertations and projects with 4.4% and electronic sources with 0.8% are at the following ranks. It also became clear that in average, 4 titles of Latin journals, 3 titles of Latin books and 1 title of Latin reports, standards and patents are used in each article. Moreover, the number of using Latin electronic resources, dissertations and projects is less than one resource per article. The number of the core journals is 18.