A Study of Hospital Librarians' Rrole in Ooffering Information Sservices to Medical Specialists, Assistants and Medical Doctors in Hamedan Educational and Health Centers
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
saeed ghaffari
lila masomi
1 - Faculty member of Qom Payam-e Noor University
2 - MSC in library and Information Science
Keywords: Information, Librarians, Hamedan, Specialists, Assistants, Medical doctors, Educational and health centers,
Abstract :
In the present research, the role of hospital librarians regarding delivery of information to medical doctors, specialists, and assistant was evaluated. In this descriptive research, the society of medical doctors, specialists, and assistants were studied. To collect needed data, 250 questionnaires distributed based on simple random sampling method among physicians in 5 educational hospitals. Among them, 153 subjects completed and returned the questionnaire. The results showed that %65.45 of specialists refer to educational hospital libraries one day per week, so the hypothesis that specialists refer to this libraries less than any other ones was rejected. The most important problem was limited work hours. Friedman's ranking test showed specialists prefer to get information from their colleague because it is convenient and fast (%6.38). Also using non-parametric √k2 test, most specialists refer to libraries one day every week. Results concerning relation between educational degree and the time of using libraries show no meaningful differences. But the libraries facilities are important factors for those who refer them. Finally, %75.8 of them agreed that obtained information was useful. %93.5 of medical doctors confirmed that librarians can play an important role in preparing necessary up-to-date information for prevention, care and treatment.