The role of Tabriz Medical Sciences University Hospital librarians in the Evidence–Based Practice
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesNazanin Momenzadeh 1 * , feridon azadeh tafreshi 2 , ahmad Fayyaz-Bakhsh 3 , saber Khodaei-Ashan 4
1 - Master of Library and Information Science, Bonab public library
2 - LIS Department, Tehran Medical Sciences University
3 - Health Department, Tehran Medical Sciences University
4 - Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch
Keywords: Hospital Libraries, Clinical librarians, Evidence Based Medicine, Evidence Based Medicine databases, Medical Education,
Abstract :
Purpose: The present study evaluates the role of the library and librarian in Evidence Based Practice and the level of knowledge of the doctors and librarians about the evidence based medicine. Methodology: It was a survey type study which has no hypothesis. Findings: The results revealed that 76% of the doctors and 84% of the librarians had some levels of knowledge about the evidence based medicine which is of very high necessity in running the program. 86% of the librarians agreed with the program. Conclusion: In terms of human resources and library facilities, libraries of Madani, Imam Reza and Koodakan were better compared to others.
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