Citation analysis & historiography map of scientific production by Islamic Azad University in Web of Science from 2000 to 2009
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studiesmaryam shojaei 1 * , abdolrasool jowkar 2
1 - Master of LIS of Islamic Azad University -Kazerun Branch
2 - Faculty member of Shiraz University
Keywords: Islamic Azad University, Citation Analysis, Web of Science, historiography map,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of the present research is a citation analysis of scientific productions published by Islamic Azad University in Web of Science from 2000 to 2009 and drawing historiography map of the institute for scientific production through the HistCite. Methodology: This study is descriptive and scientometric method is applied to analyze the data. The Web of Science database was used for data collection. Findings: The findings of research are indicative of 6425 registered documents in Web of Science during the studied years. The growth rate for scientific production of Islamic Azad University has been %49.88.One Sixty- countries have cooperated with Islamic Azad University in writing the above numbered documents. These documents are recorded with the cooperation of 10130 authors; and 106518 sources have been cited. In historiography map of Islamic Azad University, 4 clusters have been formed based on Internal Citation Index (TLCS) and 5 other clusters based on Global Citation Index (TGCS). Conclusion: The results indicate that growth trend in scientific production of Islamic Azad University has had an upward movement within the 10 year period; chemistry has been the most influential one among the disciplines in the institute.
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