Factors influencing the adoption of digital audio archive by radio program makers of IRIB in the region NorthWest of Iran, based on the " Davis’s Technology Acceptance Model”
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesTalat Hasanpour 1 * , abdalreza Noroozi Chacoli 2
1 - Student of theMaster of LIS of Sciences & Research Branch,
2 - Faculty member of the Shahed University,
Keywords: Digital Audio Archive System, Davis’ technology acceptance model, Audio program makers of the IRIB,
Abstract :
Purpose: This study aims to investigate influencial factors on accepting audio archive by radio program makers of IRIB in North West of Iran. Methodology: This research is based on Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model Which has been done via analytical survey method. The Population of this research are 100 radio program makers in North West of Iran who are from Uramia, Tabriz, Ardabil, Zanjan, Qazvin, Sanandaj and Mahabad. These people have been asked one by one, because of limitation in members- census method. The tool which is used for data gathering is organized questionnaire. Findings: Findings show that all program Makers variables in this research Acceptance Technology Model, on the use of digital archive system- voice effects are: Subjective perception of usefulness, ease of use of subjective perceptions, and attitudes toward the decision to use IT Conclusion:At the end of the study, according to its findings recommend acceptance of accelerated system for digital voice archive of the Islamic Republic of Iran is presented.
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