Citation analysis and mapping Library & Information Science in WOS citation database 1993-2011
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesMaryam okhovati 1 , halimeh Sadeghi 2 * , Ali Talebian 3 , Mohammadreza Baneshi 4
1 - Assistant Professor of kerman university of medical sciences, Health Management and Information College, Kerman, Iran.
2 - Ms in Medical Library, Central Library, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Iran
3 - Faculty Member of kerman university of medical sciences, Health Management and Information College, Kerman, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor, Research Center for Modeling in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
Keywords: Clustering, Scientometrics, Citation Analysis, Web of Science, Library and Information science, Knowledge maps, Scientific output,
Abstract :
Purpose: Mapping is a method to represent scientific output in a field of science. This study aims at mapping LIS publications in Web of Science during 1993-2011. Methdology: The type of survey is scientometric. To do this, web of science (WOS) database was searched and total records were downloaded and imported into histcite software and analyzed. This software can analyze the records in the files of author, journal, institution and ect . Some of them were entered to excel for further analysis. The map of science constructed based on global citation scores (gcs). Findings:5097 records were retrieved. HistCite was used to make maps. The average growth rate was % 0.013. The papers were published in ninety-nine journal. The electronic library journal published more than other journals. 2466 universities and colleges contributed and Illinois university published the most papers. Bawden, Budd and Nicholas were the most active authors. While 82 countries contributed in publications U.S. published the most papers. Contribution coefficient was relatively low (0.24). Three clusters were identified. The dominant subjects in three clusters were “information seeking behavior”, “information retrieval” (1st cluster), “children information seeking behavior” (2nd), “information retrieval”, “visualization” and “scientometrics” (3rd cluster). Conclusion: In this study, major magazines, active authors and major institutions, leading countries, of library and information science were determined, to be a good model for our country researchers to improve the qualitative and quantitative of their researches.
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