Comparative Study of Qom’s Participative libraries and public Libraries affiliated to Foundation of Public libraries concerning the Application Level 4p Marketing Mix Style
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesShokouh Tafreshi 1 , Marzyyeh Sedigh 2 *
1 - Assistant Professor of LIS Department of Islamic Azad University
2 - MLIS Student
Keywords: Marketing, Qom, Mix Marketing, public libraries, libraries related to Foundation of Public libraries, Participative libraries,
Abstract :
Objective: The Present Study has been Performed with the Purpose of Comparative Study Qom’s Participative libraries and Libraries related to Foundation of Public libraries Concerning the Application Level 4p Marketing Mix Style. Methodology :The methodology of this study is "Survey" descriptive and inferential statistics (T test) has been used for description and analysis data. the Population of the study were included 55 public libraries of qom province, among wich 22 libraries are run as an foundational and 33 libraries to work participative with public libraries foundation .Information has been collected through the check list and visiting, check lists returned by four libraries and Population under study were reduced to 21participative library and 30 foundational libraries .To evaluate the validity of the check list has been utilized by teachers feedback and libraries administrators.Cronbachs alpha has been used to measure reliability that check list had acceptable reliability(0.90). Findings: Results of the study indicated that the product,price, place and promotion of foundational libraries respectively with averages (0.82), (0.72), (1.2), (1.07) than the product,price, place and promotion of participative libraries with averages (0.50), (0.46), (0.77), (0.74) are better. Conclusion: Hypothesis test results indicated that significant different exists betweenaveragesof the three elements product, price and place offoundational and participative libraries but, there is not significant differentbetween averagespromotion. Furthermore, significant different exists between application level 4p marketing mix style in participative and foundational libraries and foundational libraries status concerning the application level 4p marketing mix style with average(53.90) desirable than participative libraries(35.67). The results of this study can provide information that might underlie future planning.
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