Assess the Relevance of the Retrieved Images by the Search Engines Yahoo, Google, PicSearch, and Flickr for optimization of the proposed model
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge StudiesTahereh Abolghasem Mosalman 1 * , Esmat Momeni 2 , Mohsen Haji Zeanolabedini 3
1 - Master degree LIS
2 - Assistant Professor Allameh Tabatabai University
3 - Faculty member of AREEO- Agricultural scientific information and documentation center
Keywords: Persian language, Image retrieval, recall and precision, Content- based image retrieval, Yahoo- Google- Picsearch- Flickr,
Abstract :
Purpose: The aim of this paper is introduction several image search engine and assess the relevance Images retrieved by yahoo, Google, Picsearch and Flickr according recall and precision. So, precede obtained result from four search engine and rate of relevance with search query. Methodology: Research method was survey and For the purpose of this paper, four search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Picsearch and flickr were studied directly through the method observation. The logic of words chosen was Boolean. This search was done in three steps. First, terminology had been chosen based on logic operation in the search engine being mentioned urinary search and then the results of the search with regard to the need information research and phrase search comparison and the number of corresponding pictures in the twenty first and clear at the end of the formula by using the amount of relevant the results. Findings: finding showed that search engine Yahoo with 32.235 the amount of recall and 53.75 the amount of precision, Google with 14.80 the amount of recall and 41.25 the amount of precision, Picsearch with 12.81 the amount of recall and 26.25 the amount of precision and Flickrwith 40.14 the amount of recall and 41.25 the amount of precision retrieval. Conclusion: The results evaluation revealed that Search engines retrieve different results in Precision and recall in Persian. Yahoo has the maximum amount precision in retrieved image. The study suggested a framework on how to expand the image retrieval capabilities of existing search engines based on text and context.
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