The Role of Digital Information Management on User Research from the Perspective of Information Environment Users (Case Study: Rahbari Asil Website)
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studieszohreh dokchi 1 * , mohammad javad tajic 2
1 - PhD in knowledge & Information science, Lecturer at the comprehensive university of applied science
2 - Master of human resource management, Instructor of Sama branch of Islamic Azaduniversity of Tehran
Keywords: E-business, information management, digital information, user research,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the role of digital information management on user research variables from the perspective of users using electronic and digital information, especially in the Rahbari Asil website.Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of survey method. The statistical population includes 50 users of Rahbari Asil website, who were selected as an available sample by simple non-random method and The researcher-made questionnaire with 30 questions was distributed among them and finally 44 questionnaires were collected. To evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used, which is equal to 0.937. In order to assess the validity of the questionnaire using the internal consistency method of construct validity, the results of correlation coefficient between each of the component questions were significant at an error level of less than 0.01, which indicates that the questionnaire has a high construct validity. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) were used and in the inferential section (univariate t-test) using SPSS software.Results: From the end users' point of view, digital information management has six components of customer satisfaction (64%), brand loyalty (61%), service quality (64%), relationship commitment (63%), willingness to buy (62%) and also, the customer's mental image (61%) played a large role.Conclusion: The role of digital information management on user research from the perspective of end users is significantly higher than average and digital information management has played a large role (63%) on user research.