Studying and book reading in the digital era (Case Study: Members of Tabriz Public Libraries)
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
leila asadivand
saeed ghaffari
leila banifatemeh
1 - Student of knowledge and information science, Qom university of Payame Noor, Qom, Iran.
2 - Associate professor of knowledge and information science, Qom university of Payame Noor, Qom,
3 - PhD candidate of knowledge and information science, Tabriz university of Medical sciences, Tabriz,
Keywords: Reading, Tabriz, public libraries, study, Digital Age,
Abstract :
Objective: To examine the study status of public library members in the digital age. Methodology: The research is applied and conducted by survey method using a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study included all members of public libraries of Tabriz who has a valid membership, the total number of which was about 24 thousand people, of which 379 people were selected by simple random sampling. Results: Most members of Tabriz public libraries (94.9%) are members of social networks in cyberspace. Also, in addition to virtual training, they use social networks for an average of about 3 hours a day. Their first priority in terms of leisure time was attending virtual networks (48.55%), and then reading books (24.8%). The lowest rate was allocated to sleep (1.85%). On average, most people study less than an hour a day. Families and educators were the main motivators for reading with a score of 3.81, and media and social networks on cyber-media were the main barriers to reading with a score of 3.67. The highest score among the social networks used belonged to WhatsApp application with an average score (0.95) and the lowest score belonged to Skype, Twitter and iGap with an average score (0.01). Conclusion: The presence of virtual media and social networks in the digital age has led to changes in people's behavior and habits in their lifestyle. The family is the main motivator for reading and virtual parallel media with books are the biggest threat to studying and reading books.