The Pathology of library and Information Science Education: A Grounded Theory Approach
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studieszahra rezazadeh 1 * , Zohreh Mirhosseini 2
1 - Zahra Rezazadeh, PhD of Library& Information Science, University of Ferdowsi Mashhad, Iran,
2 - Associate Professor of Library & Information Science Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch,
Keywords: pathology, Higher Education, Grounded Theory, Library and information science-Iran,
Abstract :
Objective: To identify the problems of education in library and information science from the perspective of specialists was the main purpose. Methodology: This research was carried out using a qualitative approach using grounded theory. The data gathering tool was a deep interview. Data analysis and coding were performed over three stages of open, axial and selective coding procedures, using the MAXQDA qualitative analysis software. The research community was composed of 14 members of library and Information science Program Planning Committee and faculty members and experts from four universities. They were selected using purposeful combination targeted and snowball sampling methods. Results: the factors affecting the pathology of the education of library and information science including educational equipment, technology infrastructure, human factors, curriculum planning, the importance of course subjects, professional activities, field attractiveness, methodology, teaching, business problems, lack of financial resources, documentary tsunami, and lack of social insights were identified. Conclusion: The factors influencing social behaviors, entrepreneurship, strengthening theoretical knowledge, convergence with society, performance evaluation, quality of graduates, continuing education, revising lessons as strategies for removing barriers to training injuries, the use of strategies has led to the consequences of training dynamics, the identification of indicators functional, will be prospective. The effective factors in "education pathology" presented in the form of a model.