The Relationship between Leadership Development and Management Integration with Organizational Knowledge Performance: The Mediating Role of Human Capital and Social Capital (Faculty Members, University of Tehran)
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
ehsan namdar joyami
Seyed Aligholi Rowshan
Noor Mohammad Yaghoubi
1 - PhD student in Human Resource Management, Sistan and Baluchestan University
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Sistan and Baluchestan University
3 - Full Professor, Department of Public Administration, Sistan and Baluchestan University
Keywords: Human Capital, Faculty Members, Social capital, Leadership Development, Organizational Knowledge Performance,
Abstract :
Objective: This study seeks to investigate the relationship between leadership development and management integration with organizational knowledge performance with respect to the role of human capital and social capital. Methods: The present study is quantitative and applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population of this research includes the members of the faculty of the University of Tehran equal to 2116 people, which is 384 people based on the Cochran's formula. The method of cluster and random sampling is simple. The sample size according to Morgan table and Cochran's formula with an error of 0.05 is equal to 325 people. In this study, a standard and non-native questionnaire was used to collect data. Therefore, in order to localize the questionnaires used, their validity and reliability have been re-tested and confirmed. Structural equation modeling technique and PLS Smart software have been used to investigate the causal relationships between variables. Results: In this regard, four hypotheses have been formed that examine the development of knowledge leadership and performance with a relationship of 0.37, integration of management and knowledge performance with a relationship of 0.41, the mediating role of social capital in leadership development and knowledge performance The relationship between 0.44 and the mediating role of human capital in the development of leadership and knowledge performance with the relationship between 0.48 and all hypotheses have been confirmed. Conclusion: Organizational investments in leadership development through leadership development methods can increase the leadership skills needed to increase the total level of human and social capital in the organization, which can ultimately lead to increased organizational knowledge performance
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