Investigation of structural features of engineering dissertations of Tabriz University based on ISO 7144
Subject Areas : Journal of Knowledge Studies
Zahra Jahanban Isfahlan
afshin hamdipour
Rasoul Zavaraqi
1 - MA, Department of Knowledge and information science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of knowledge and information science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and information science, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
Keywords: dissertation, theses, ISO7144, Engineering disciplines,
Abstract :
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the structural features of engineering dissertations of Tabriz University based on the components of ISO 7144. Method: The research method is descriptive and content analysis. The data collection tool is a checklist based on 25 components of the ISO 7144. Among the 2959 dissertations and theses, 398 cases were selected via relative stratified random sampling as the research sample and the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The results showed that The components of ISO 7144 have been observed in the Computer Science with an average of 77.77% this value is more than other studied disciplines. Also, the results showed that male students are more than female students, and among PhD students are more than postgraduate students compliant with the ISO 7144 components. Among the components of ISO-7144, Thesaurus component with a total mean of 8.05%, and the attachments component with a total mean of 20.1% are the less used components. Also the components of the index and the biography have not been met at all. On the other hand, the results of Chi-square test indicated that there is a significant relationship between the observance of ISO 7144 and variables of the Faculty and the educational level. Also, there is no significant relationship between gender and the observance of ISO 7144. Conclusion: The results showed that 70.78% of the components of ISO 7144 have been observed in technical and engineering dissertations. Using non-observed components will help standardize dissertations.