The Historical Development of Contemporary Turkish Qur’an Translations with a Focus on the Nuances and Synonyms of the Words Ṣalāt and Dῑn
Subject Areas : -
Ali Sharifi
Mousa Rahimi
Mohammad shahin
1 - Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author).
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Islamic History and Arts, Department of Islamic Turkish Literature, Faculty of Theology, Ak Deniz University, Antalya, Türkiye.
Keywords: Qur’an, Nuances and Synonyms, Historical Development, Turkish.,
Abstract :
The concepts of wuaūh and naẓā’īr refer to instances where a word is used with the same spelling and pronunciation in multiple places within the Quran but carries different meanings in each context. The identical form of the word in different contexts is termed naẓā’īr, while the varying meanings represent wuaūh. Consequently, naẓā’īr refers to the words themselves, and wuaūh denotes their meanings. This descriptive study examines contemporary Turkish translations of the Quran, focusing on the nuances and synonyms of the words ṣalāt and dῑn. Our aim is to analyze how six Turkish translators have rendered these terms over time and to evaluate the accuracy and precision of their translations, as well as the evolution of Turkish translation practices in the modern era. Our findings indicate that most Turkish translators have exhibited a tendency to imitate one another throughout history, with limited evidence of innovation or independent interpretation.
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