.Al-Ārkātī's Efforts in Rasm al-Muṣḥaf and His Book “Nathr al-Marjān fī Rasm Naẓm al-Qur’ān”
Subject Areas :Murtaza Tawakoli 1 * , Hamid Reza Mostafid 2
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Keywords: Muḥammad Ghawth Al-Ārkātī, Nathr al-Marjān fī Rasm Naẓm al-Qur&rsquo, ān, Rasm al-Muṣḥaf, the Muṣḥaf of Ibn al-Jazari, Khulāṣat al-Rusūm, Khazānat al-Rusūm,
Abstract :
Among the books written in Rasm (the orthography) at the Easterners is the book “Nathr al-Marjān fi Rasm Naẓm al-Qur’ān” (The Coral Spreading in Orthography of the Qur’ān System) by Muḥammad Ghawth al-Ārkātī (1238 AH) in India. Despite its scientific status, it did not receive the attention of scholars. This book is of importance in two ways: First: it is one of the books of orthography that was written in the east countries of the Islamic world, and the second: it contains oriental sources that were not known and we were not exaggerated if we say is still unknown to those interested in Rasm al-Muṣḥaf and scholars. The book is a scientific encyclopedia in the Qur’ānic sciences in general, and in the orthography of the Qur’ān in particular, which consists of seven parts on the number of Aḥzāb of the Qur’ān, which were known at the time of the Companions of the Prophet (Peace be upon him and his progeny). The author divided his book into three parts: an introduction, two articles. The first volume of the book includes the introduction and the first article in principles and first part of the second article in Farsh al-ḥurūf, which includes the words of the Qur’ān word by word, according to the order of the suras in the Qur’ān. The author speaks about every word's orthography, reading and case system (), and it took what was left of the first volume and the rest of the other volumes of the book. In the introduction, the author referred to the most important sources to which he referred in writing the book, including the al-Muqnī’ and the al-‘Aqīlah, and benefited from sources not mentioned in the introduction: Khulāṣat al-Rusūm and Khazānat al-Rusūm, which were or are still unknown; and al-Ārkātī quoted more of these two sources which shows the importance of them to him. The Nathr al-Marjān differs from the orthography books, first by mentioning the word by word from the beginning to the end of the Holy Quran even "fī" (فی) and "min" (من) whenever received and repeated, and then it is characterized by expressing the writing phenomena in rasm al-muṣḥaf, which its likes did not appear in the orthography books of west countries of the Islamic world. He never mentioned Abū Dāwūd and his book, and perhaps the reason for this is lack of access to the book or not being aware of it. This may be explained by the fact that the book of Abū Dāwūd was not known for the Easterners as the book al-Muqnī’ of Abū ‘Amr al-Dānī was, and what confirms this is that he did not name him in the list of sources of his book.
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