Distortion in the Narration of "Taqtuluhu al-Fi'ah al-Bāghiyah" (He will be killed by the rebel group) by Ṣahih al-Bukhāri
Subject Areas : -Jalal Rezayi Tiji 1 * , seyed Mohsen Musavi 2
1 - Ph.D. Student of Quran and Hadith, Mazandaran University, Babulsar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Mazandaran University, Babulsar, Iran.
Keywords: distorting narrations, Battle of Siffin, criticism of narration, Sahih al-Bukhari, Ammar,
Abstract :
There are several motives for distorting the hadith in the religious sources of Sunni Muslims, and one of them is to eliminate the slips and mistakes of the companions of the Messenger of God (PBUH) and the disputes between them. In Ṣahih Bukhāri, there is a hadith in which the Messenger of God (PBUH) uttered a sentence about ‘Ammār ibn Yāsir and prophesied his future with the phrase "Taqtuluhu al-Fi'atu al-Bāghiya" (He will be killed by a rebellious group) according to this prediction, ‘Ammār ibn Yāsir would be martyred by a rebellious group. This phrase does not appear in some printed versions of Ṣahih Bukhāri today. This article seeks to answer the questions that, first of all, whether the phrase in question existed in the text of the narration of Ṣahih Bukhāri from the very beginning or not? And secondly, is there a reason to prove the distortion of the phrase in some versions? According to the studies, this phrase was removed from the text of the hadith by Bukhāri, and later it was included in the text of the book in some versions.