Reviewing and evaluating the translation of words with conflicting meanings in the Persian translation of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas :
1 - University of Qom
Keywords: translation, Conflict, Meaning, translation of opposites,
Abstract :
The topic of this research is the opposites in the Holy Quran and the importance of the research is that it deals with an issue related to the examination and evaluation of some special words of the Holy Quran and their meanings. The words that have been chosen because of their great importance in the field of translation, these words have a direct impact on the correctness and inaccuracy of the translation, and the result of their incorrect translation is damage that causes the transmission of Quranic concepts.This article is based on the research and evaluation of the translation of words which, as a result of wrong understanding and choosing the real meanings instead of them, can create differences and ambiguities in the translation and interpretation of the verses of the Quran.Choosing a correct and accurate meaning makes translation difficult for the translator and sometimes leads to problems in their translation.The present research has used the descriptive-analytical method along with the use of dictionaries and various interpretations and opinions of expert linguists and four selected Persian translations of the Holy Quran as examples of sources to investigate and evaluate these differences in this research.This research has reached the following results in examining and evaluating these words:Translators mostly translate the literal translation, some of which are contrary to the expected real meaning, and this means that the desired word in the text in which it is found cannot have another meaning.Sometimes translators translate with the meaning that according to interpretation Their existence is more likely, it has contradictions, and for this reason, it is observed that they do not mention the other meaning of this word. In the translation of some opposite words, translators refer to interpretations that have an interpretive aspect for more information on the meaning of the word.
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