Criticism of the validity or non-permissibility of shaking hands between a man and a non-mahram woman
Subject Areas :
1 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد اهواز
Keywords: Shaking hands, non-mahram woman, permission,
Abstract :
The issue of shaking hands with a non-mahram is one of the jurisprudential issues in the field of relationship between men and women in Islamic and non-Islamic society, which famous Shiite jurists have not considered permissible and in cases of necessity, they have ruled that it is permissible under the condition of using a barrier. And. In order to reject this famous fatwa, citing the fatwas of several contemporary authorities in general, Mr. Kadivar has issued a ruling that it is permissible, considering that the fatwas of the mentioned authorities are subject to very vital and necessary conditions, this opinion of his is violated. . In addition, the narrations cited by him have conflicting narrations and are open to interpretation and do not necessarily accept his interpretation. Criticizing his point of view will bring clarity in jurisprudential issues and remove the veils of ambiguity from issues like this.
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