The interaction of innovation ecosystem and natural ecosystem on the formation of entrepreneurial places from the point of view of urban regeneration using metasynthesis method (2010-2020)
Subject Areas : Urbanismsanaz naghshizadian 1 , mojtaba Rafieian 2 * , Zahra Sadat Saeideh zarabadi 3 , hamid majedi 4
1 - Department of Urban Planning, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Urban Planning, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Irand University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Urban Planning, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Innovation ecosystem, natural ecosystem, urban regeneration, urban places, metasynthesis,
Abstract :
The criteria and indicators affecting the behavior of urban entrepreneurial places and the policies of forming such places should be derived from the change in the structure of plans and strategies of urban places and spaces. However, these changes have been faced only with regard to previous approaches and past experiences without interacting with the main approaches affecting behavioral roots in the formation of urban entrepreneur places. Therefore, realistic studies and policy-making with regard to modern global systems on places and spaces that are prone to development and progress, as well as places that have the ability to be improved and revitalized, are imagined more than ever. Therefore, in line with its goals, this research has provided a tool for developing a conceptual framework based on the interaction of two approaches "innovation ecosystem and natural urban ecosystem" with the help of metacombination method, the results of which is the emergence of new knowledge in creating entrepreneurial places in interaction with urban regeneration. . The findings of this article, by focusing on the concepts and criteria obtained from the two approaches, led to the extraction of 4 components, the extracted components integrate records of interventions, characteristics, mutual relationships, resources, views, policies and concepts of the two approaches and The solution has presented the fields of change in the behavior of formation and creation of dynamic and efficient places. The results of socio-cultural communication, the promotion and development of the welfare of the civil society, the impact of intelligent systems on the civil and economic society, and finally the positive impact of knowledge and education on human and cultural behaviors have been presented. Therefore, this research can be considered as a tested example for the foundation of conducting research in the future.
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